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Video Messages

Receive a message from our Characters delivered straight to your mobile device or e-mail! These videos are the perfect way to celebrate a Birthday, recognize a recent accomplishment, or pass along a message you would like to send a loved one! 

Video Messages Pricing

Includes a thirty-second video sent to your phone or e-mail. Please allow 30-days for processing. 

Non-Personalized Video​:

  • First Character: $50

  • Each Additional Character: $25


Personalized Video:

  • First Character: $100 

  • Each Additional Character: $50


Video Message
Booking Form

Please complete the form and one of our Event Coordinators will be in touch to discuss your magical event!

Please note: Fridays - Mondays, our team is focusing on event prep, attending events, and then cleaning and organizing afterwards! We typically respond to messages on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Please allow us a few days to get back to you!

Thank you for believing in our dream! 

Thank you for the message! We will respond as soon as we are able!

Olivia Grace & Company is an independent company providing princess, superhero and character impersonations. We do not have intention of violating any copyright or trademark laws. We do not claim to have any affiliation with the Walt Disney Company, Warner Brothers, DC Comics, Lucas Arts, Marvel, Saban, Mattel, or SCG Power Rangers LLC or any of their subsidiaries. All of our characters are simply look-a-likes and our costumes are made under strict supervision to prevent copyright infringement.

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